Sunday, August 30, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Taro's story 7

Ijiwaru AJ wa iimashita.
いじわる AJ  は いいました。
(Ornery AJ said)

「Ayumi-chan wa watashi ga sukidesu.Kanojo wa Taro(anata) ga sukijyanaidesu.」
「あゆみちゃん は わたし が すきです。かのじょ は たろう(あなた) が すきじゃないです。」(Ayumi likes me. She doent like Taro(you).)

Taro wa mata nakimashita.
たろう は また なきました。
(Taro cried again.)

Shikashi, kare wa tuyokunarou to omoimashita.
しかし、かれ は つよくなろう と おもいました。
(But he wanted to be strong. )

Soshite Tai ni kitkubokushingu wo benkyoushini ikimashita.
そして タイ に キックボクシング を べんきょう しに いきました。
(And (he) went to Thailand to study Kick boxing.)

Kanojyo  かのじょ= She
Mata また= again
Shikashi しかし = But,however,
Tai タイ= Thailand
kitkubokushingu キックボクシング = Kick boxing
benkyou べんきょう= Study
benkyoushini べんきょうしに = to study,

☆Grammar and Words in the Questions☆☆
...... tuyoku(=Strong) narou(be) to omoimashita(wanted) . (wanted to be strong)

......benkyou(=study) shini / benkyou suru tame ni (to study, for study)

Tuyoi(= Strong)  ⇔  Yowai (=week)   
Tuyoi (= Strong) ⇔  Tuyoku nai,Tuyoku arimasen (= doent/dont Strong)
Yowai (=week) ⇔  Yowaku nai/Yowaku arimasen 

Q : Naze Taro wa tuyokunarou to omoimahita ka? (Why does Taro want to be strong?)
A : Ayumi-chan wa tuyoi hito ga suki dakara desu. ( Ayumi likes a strong man.)
hito= person,a man

Q: Taro wa itumo naiteimasu ka?
A: Taro wa itumo naiteimasu. (Taro cry all the time)

Naiteimasu (is/are crying)
Nakimasita ( Cried)

Q: Naze ayumi-chan wa AJ ga suki desuka? (Why does Ayumi like AJ?)
A: AJ ga tuyoi kara desu. (Because AJ is strong)

Q: Naze Taro wa Tai ni ikimashita ka? (Why did Taro go to Thailand? )
A: kitkubokushingu wo benkyoushini ikimashita. (For study of Kick boxing)

Q:Taro wa dokoni ikimashita ka? (where did Taro go?)
A:Taro wa Thailand he/ni ikimashita. (Taro want to Thailand.) ikimasu (= go ....(place) ) ikimashita (=went to .....(place))

★Important Question words★
Where = Doko どこ
Who = Dare だれ
What = Nani なに
Why = Naze なぜ
 EX) Naze......desu ka? (Why.....?)
  ........da kara desu. (Because......)

Hi how are you doing?
I think this Podcast little bit difficult for Zero beginners...But just listen and used to Japanese. :)
I think Story is very simple. :)

If you have a question, write on the comment page. :)
Have a great day.
Thank you reading my Blog and listening my Podcast.


Saturday, August 29, 2009


Konnichiwa. Ogenkidesuka?

Kyou no Gojūon wa Ta,Ti(Chi),Tu,Te,To,たちつてと、タチツテト desu.
(Today's Gojūon is Ta,Ti,Tu,Te,To. )

Hiragana たちつてと
Katakana タチツテト

Enjoy Learning Japanese. :) Have a wonderful day. :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

How to learn Japanese with Effortless Japanese

Konichiwa. こんにちは。

Ogenki desuka?  おげんき ですか?
Watashi wa totemo genkidesu. わたしは とても げんきです。

AJ helped me to make a video "How to learn Japanese with Effortless Japanese" in English. :)
Please watch the Video and understand How to use my Lessons. :)

You know we don't translate much in English in the Lessons.
Because translation makes you think about grammar and English words in your brain.
My lessons are focused on SPEAKING automatically. :)

I do translate in English in the Text, so you can read and find the meaning in the Text.

Please listen many times and answer my questions. :)
Maybe its difficult the first time but you will get used to answering the questions.
I hope you are enjoying learning Japanese with Effortless Japanese. :)
Have a happy day.


P.S Sorry I didnt talk in the Video,next time I will ... :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Konnichiwa. こんにちは
Ogenki desuka? おげんきですか?
Watashi wa genkidesu. わたし は げんき です。

Today'S short Video is Sa,Si(Shi),Su,Se,So.さしすせそ、サシスセソです。

I LOVE you guys!!
Daisuki desu yo~~. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Taro's story 6

AJ ga kimashita.
AJ が きました。
(AJ came)

Taro wa AJ wo mimashita.
たろう は AJ を みました。
(Taro looked at AJ)

Ayumi-chan mo AJ wo mimashita.
あゆみちゃん も AJ を みました。
(Ayumi also looked at AJ.)

AJ wa chocore-to wo Ayumi-chan ni agemashita.
AJ は チョコレート を あゆみちゃん に あげました。
(AJ gave a chocolate to Ayumi-chan)

Ayumi-chan wa totemo yorokobimashita.
あゆみちゃん は とても よろこびました。
(Ayumi-chan was very excited.)

Taro wa odorokimashita
たろう は おどろきました。
(Taro was surprised.)

Taro wa iimashita「naze」
たろう は いいました。「なぜ(?)」
(Taro said "Why?")

Ayumi-chan wa iimashita. 「AJ wa tsuyoi kara sukidesu.」
あゆみちゃん は いいました。「AJ は つよい から すきです。」
(Ayumi said " Because AJ is strong,I like (him)."

Taro wa nakimashita.
たろう は なきました。
(Taro cried.)

Kawaisouna Taro.
かわいそうな たろう。
(Poor Taro)


Kimashita = came きました
~mo = ~ also,and 〜も  EX) Taro mo AJ mo = Taro and AJ
yorokobimashita = was excited よろこびました
Odorokimashita= was surprised おどろきました 
Naze = why? なぜ     
Tsuyoi = strong  つよい
~kara = Because 〜から  

☆phrase in the Questions☆

Q : Taro wa Naze nakimashitaka? = why was taro cried.
A : Ayumi-chan wa AJ ga sukidakaradesu. = Because Ayumi-chan likes AJ.

Q : Taro wa tsuyoi desuka? = Is Taro strong?
A : Taro wa Tuyokuarimasen/Tuyokunaidesu. =Taro isnt strong.

Tsuyoi ⇔ Tsuyokunai/Tsuyokuarimasen

Is this lesson difficult??
I hope you will listen many time and used to phrases.

Oh,Im so happy our Effortless Japanese Fun members on the Facebook be just 100 peoples.
Thank you for your supporting. And My Podcast downloaded over 700 times.
Arigatou/ Arigatougozaimasu.

Im so happy to many Japanese Learner listen my Podcast and read my Blog.
Thank you again. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ka,Ki,Ku,Ke,Ko かきくけこ、カキクケコ


Did you familiar with A I U E O?
Today's short video is Ka,Ki,Ku,Ke,Ko.

Just for Fun. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

a,i,u,e,o あいうえお、アイウエオ

Konnichiwa こんにちは。

Do you know Hiragana and Katakana?
If you want to learn Japanese letter,you can learn with me.
Im starting make a Gojūon Lesson little by little.

Today's lesson is :

HIragana ひらがな あ(a)い(i)う(u)え(e)お(o) 
Katakana カタカナ ア(a)イ(i)ウ(u)エ(e)オ(o)

I do recommend that you dont be nervous, just relax and enjoy sound with letters.
First step is just try read when I use Hiragana and Katakana on this Blog.
After if you have a time,you can try to write these. :)
Just Enjoy! You know!!

☆Lets you know Language offers free sound integrated resources for learning languages. Its also helpful.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Japanese famous person

Hi all.

I have a question.
Do you know Takuya Kimura?(SMAP 木村拓哉)

He is an actor and a member of the Japanese idol group SMAP.
Japanese women likes him and Masaharu Fukuyama(福山 雅治).

I and AJ talked about Japanese famous person and he doesn't know Takuya Kimura.
Im just curious about what famous Japanese people do you know?
And Who do you like most?

Have a wonderful day.


Some research asked Japanese women about what famous person do you want to sleep with? :)

1. Takuya Kimura
2. Masaharu Fukuyama
3.Masahiro Nakai

1. Takuya Kimura
2. Masaharu Fukuyama
3.Jin Akanishi

This is TV CM(Commercial) for hair wax by Takuya Kimura.

This is also TV CM for hair wax by Takuya Kimura. I wonder this dance is Computer Graphic?
What do you think? :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Taro's story 5

Taro wa umi ni ikimashita.
たろう は うみ に いきました。
(Taro went to (the) sea.)

Kare wa Ayumi-chan wo mimashita.
かれ は あゆみちゃん を みました。
(He looked at Ayumi-chan)

Ayumi-chan wa oyoideimasu.
あゆみちゃん は およいでいます。
(Ayumi-chan swims.)

Taro wa Ayumi-chan ni chokore-to wo agamashita.
たろう は あゆみちゃん に チョコレート を あげました。
(Taro gave Chocolate to Ayumi.)

Ayumi-chan wa chokore-to ga kiraidesu.
あゆみちゃんは チョコレートが きらいです。
(Ayumi doesnt like Chocolate.)

Taro wa bara no hana wo Ayumi-chan ni agemashita.
たろうは バラのはな を あゆみちゃん に あげました。
(Taro gave Ayumi a Rose .)

Ayumi-chan wa bara ga kiraidesu.
あゆみちゃんは バラ が きらいです。
(Ayumi doesnt like Roses.)

Taro wa Nakimasita
たろう は なきました。
(Taro cried)


Ikimashita =went いきました
Kare = He かれ
Agemashita = gave あげました
Kirai = doesnt /dont like,hate きらい
Kirai and sukijyanai have the same meaning,but Kirai includes the idea of "hate",so sometimes it's stronger than sukijyanai.

☆Words in the Questions☆

Doko ni ikimashita ka? (Where going?)
Nani wo Agemashita ka? (What did give to ?)
Tarou wa nani wo Ayumi-chan ni Agemashita ka?
(what did Taro give to Ayumi-chan?)

Kawaisouna Taro =(Poor Taro)

☆Grammar ☆

~ ni Ikimashita ni is "At" ( went at/to ).
EX: pool ni ikimashita.( I went to Pool) Umi ni ikimashita. (I went to the Sea.)

(Watashi wa)~ wo mimashita.
EX: (Watashi wa) Taro wo mimashita. (I looked at Taro.)
Taro wa Ayumichan wo mimashita. (Taro looked at Ayumi-chan)

~wo.... ni agemashita and ~wo Agemashita is same.
"Somebody ni something wo Agemashita"means (I give/ gave something to somebody.)

(watashi wa)~ga Kiraidesu.

EX: "(Watasi wa)Kare ga kiraidesu" means I dont like him.
(watashi wa) Chocolate ga kiraidesu. I dont like chocolate.
"AJ wa Taro ga kiraidesu" means AJ doesnt like Taro.

Japanese often skip the subject word " I " (watashi-wa) in casual conversation. :)

Enjoy!! :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Learn Japanese on Facebook

Ogenki desuka? おげんきですか? Hi How's it going?

Its very wonderful day in SF. サンフランシスコ は とても いいてんきです。

Have you checked my Facebook??  
Im using web camera and take short video for Japanese phrases on there sometimes.  
Its just few phrases but if you are a beginner level or Zero Level,I think it help you a lot. :)
I hope so!! ;)

Lets Check my Effortless Japanese Facebook and be my fun !!!

Have a wonderful day. よい いちにち を おすごし ください。 
Good Luck with your Learning Japanese.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Taro's story 4

Okina saru no AJ wa ijiwaru desu.
おおきな さる の AJ は いじわる です。
(The big monkey AJ is ornery)

AJ wa tarou wo mimasita. Taro wa AJ wo mimasita.
AJ は たろう を みました。たろう は AJ をみました。
(AJ looked at Taro. Taro looked at AJ.)

Chiisana saru no Taro wa iimasita.
ちいさな さる の たろう は 言いました。
(The Small monkey Taro said.)

AJ-san watasi wa Ayumi-chan ga sukidesu.
「AJ さん わたし は あゆみ ちゃん が すきです。」
("AJ,I like Ayumi-chan.")

AJ wa iimashita. "Ayumi-chan wa anata ga suki-jyanai yo"
AJ は 言いました。「あゆみちゃん は あなた が すき じゃない よ」
(AJ said "Ayumi-chan doesnt like you.")

Taro wa nakimashita.
たろう は なきました。
(Taro cried.)


Mimashita = looked at/watched/saw みました
Mimasen = dont look /doesnt look みません
iimashita,~to iimashita = said いいました
-san = Mr,Mis さん
Watashi = I わたし
Anata = you あなた
Suki = like/ likes/Love すき
Sukijyanai = doesnt like/dont like すきじゃない
Nakimashita = Cried なきました
よ(Yo) is no meaning, 


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Taro's story3



Taro to Ayumi-chan. Podcast :
Chiisana saru no Tarou wa kurage no Ayumi-chan ga suki desu.
ちいさな さる の たろう は くらげ の あゆみちゃん が すき です。
(The Small monkey's Taro likes Jellies fish's Ayumi-chan.)
Tarou wa itumo Ayumi-chan wo miteimasu.
たろう は いつも あゆみちゃん を みています。
(Taro is looking in Ayumi-chan all the time.)
Ayumi-chan wa itumo Oyoide imasu.
あゆみちゃん は いつも およいで います
(Ayumi-chan is swimming all the time.)
Ookina saru no Namae wa AJ desu.
おおきな さる の なまえ はAJです。
(The big monkey's name is AJ.)
AJ wa Ijiwaru desu.
AJ は いじわる です。
(AJ is ornery.)
Tarou wa totemo Yasasii desu.
たろう は とても やさしい です
(Taro is very kind.)

-chan = use for child when you call(If you are very close to women,sometimes use it.But be careful to use it,because some women feel you think she is like kids.)
Suki = like/likes すき
Mite imasu  = watching/see/looking みて います
Itumo = all the time いつも
Oyoide imasu =  swimming およいで います
Ijiwaru = kind of mischievous,ornery,meanいじわる
Totemo = very とても
Yasasii  = kind /mildやさしい

☆Words in the Questions☆

Imasen is Imas's negative form.  いません
Oyoide imasen = dont swim/ dosent swim およいで いません
Mite imasen = dont see/doesnt see みて いません

Dare...desuka? = Who... ?  だれ
Nani wo shite imasu ka?  なに を して います か?(what are you doing? )

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"I Love you" in Japanese

Ogenki desuka? おげんき ですか? ( Hi, How are you doing?)

Watashi wa genki desu. :) わたし は げんき です (I'm fine.)

Today I talk about How to say " I Love you" in Japanese.
Many people already knows or very curious about it. :D

I Love you is Aishite imasu あいしています / Aishiteruあいしてる/Aishiteru yo あいしてるよ/Aishiteru wa あいしてるわ.

A man use more Aishiteru.
Female use Aishiteru wa more.

If you want to propose to women,you said Aishiteimasu. I think Aishiteimasu is feeling more formal. :)
But Japanese people don't say "I Love you " as often as American.
I think American people say it everyday and all the time to every body if you want. :)

I think traditional Japanese? was more shy,so a man doesn't say I Love you to women so much.
Before a man say Aishiteimasu means very serious with the women. :)

Now young people use more openly. :) I heard some people say "I Love you" in English in Japan.
I think its from influenced by American culture.
And people use I Love you in Japanese have deep meaning,so avoid to use or just use important situations.:)

But Japanese people use Suki desu (=like) a lot.
Sukidesu すきです/ Suki da すきだ/Suki dayoすきだよ/Suki yo すきよ/ means Like.
A man use more Suki da/Suki dayo
Women likes Sukidesu/Suki yo
Osaka-ben(Kansai/Osaka dialect) Suki yanen. :)

Anata wo totemo Aishiteimasu /Aishiteru. (I Love you so much.)

Have a great day.
Aishiteimasu. :) I Love you guys!


Free Effortless Japanese Podcast

Check it! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Taro's story2

← Kurage くらげ Jellies fish

Todays Story2 Podcast.

Kurage ga imasu.
くらげ が います。
(There is a Jellies fish. )  
Kurage no namae wa Ayumi-chan desu.
くらげ の なまえ は あゆみちゃん です。
(The Jellies fish's name is Ayumi.)
Ayumi chan wa itumo Oyoide imasu. 
あゆみーちゃんは いつも およいで います。
(Ayumi are swimming all the time)
Kyou mo umi de oyoide imsu. 
きょう も うみ で およいで います。
(Today also swim in the sea.)
Ayumi-chan wa totemo kawaii desu.
あゆみちゃん は とても かわいい です
(Ayumi is very cute. :)


Kurage クラゲ ...  Jellies fish
itumo いつも ..... always, all the time
Oyoide  泳(およ)いで .....  swim
umi 海(うみ) ..... Sea, Ocean
Kyou 今日(きょう).... Today
Kawaii かわいい .... cute, pretty
Totemo とても ... Very

★ Question word

Nan desu ka? なん です か?
(What is it/that? )
Nani wo shite imasu ka?  なに を しています か?
(What do/does you/she,he do?)

Nani.... What なに

Grammar (Just read it, but you dont need to think about it)

Kyou mo .....shite imasu.

This "mo" means off course today too. She is swimming all the time,off course today too.

This is Text for Podcast.

Please listen Many times and Enjoy learning Japanese with Story!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Free Japanese Lesson "Hana"

Hana ga arimasu

Kireina Hana きれいな はな
Kireina Yuri  きれいな ゆり
Kireina Bara  きれいな ばら
きれいな ばら と ゆり が あります。

Kireina きれいな= beautiful
Hana はな(花) = Flower
Yuri ゆり(ユリ、百合)= lily
Bara ばら(バラ、薔薇)= Rose
A to B AとB  = A and B

My Podcast Hana ga arimasu
Listen this short Podcast.

Grammar (Just read it, but you dont need to think about it)
  • Arimasu - refers to the existence of inanimate objects (including plants, which don't move about)
  • Imasu - refers to the existence of animate objects.

Have a beautiful moment in your life. Get flower and feel it. :)
We are always connect with nature.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Japanese poetry

Sonotoki no deai ga
そのとき の であい(出逢い) が
jinsei wo kontei kara 
じんせい(人生) を こんてい(根底) から
kaeru koto ga aru 
かえる(変える) こと が ある
yoki deai wo 
よき であい(出逢い) を

By Mituo  みつを

Have a great opportunity of meeting peoples.
Its will be changing your life dramatically! :)
Arigatou. Anata ni deaete yokatta. ありがとう。あなた に であえて よかった。
Thank. Im very happy to meet you.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Peace and nuclear weapons

Peace and nuclear weapons

We have a very sad history about nuclear weapons.
on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima and August 9, 1945 in Nagasaki

We will continue to relay a message of peace from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a message passed on by the survivors, who overcome great difficulties.

In the hope that the people of the world can join hands and face a future free of nuclear weapons. We dont need nuclear weapons!!

Peace Heiwa へいわ

Hiroshima ひろしま(広島)

Nagasaki ながさき(長崎)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Learn Japanese Vocabulary and Movement

Hi how are you doing?
Ogenki desu ka?

This is I and AJ from Effortless English found the method of Effortless way. :)
This article write about English learning,but its same as Japanese leaning too.

Vocabulary and Movement

So many students waste time trying to memorize English vocabulary. They study long lists of vocabulary. They repeat the lists many times, trying to memorize the English words and their translated meanings.

Research shows that 80% of vocabulary learned in this way is forgotten in less than a year. That’s a lot of wasted time and effort.

There’s another problem with this vocabulary learning method– it’s boring and therefore it kills long term motivation. Students must be very careful– killing your motivation is the worst thing you can do. Learning English is a marathon, it’s a long run. It requires high levels of motivation that are sustained for many years.

Using boring vocabulary learning methods, therefore, is doubly bad: it is inefficient and it weakens motivation.

There is a better way– as participants in my recent Breakthrough Seminar in Bangkok learned. It is possible to learn new vocabulary in a way that is far more powerful AND is a lot of fun. When you learn in this way, you will remember 80% one year later! That’s powerful.

The key to deep, powerful, long term vocabulary learning is movement. When we combine strong physical movements with understandable new vocabulary, we create deep connections in our brains and bodies. These connections are long term. They last!

In the seminar, I taught a number of new words using strong actions. The students shouted the new words with me, while simultaneously using the strong actions I showed them. By the end of the lesson, they knew those words well.

But that’s not all. Since Effortless English is a deep learning system, I repeated those new words again– this time in a Mini-Story. Each time I used one of the new words in the story, I used the same physical movement we had been practicing. Through the Mini-Story, the students got even more repetition of the vocabulary, with emotion and strong movements.

Finally, I gave the students homework: download the audio of the same Mini-Story lesson, and listen to that audio every day for one week.

If the students do this, they will learn these new vocabulary words very deeply, and will remember them forever. That is the power of the Effortless English system, and that is the power of using physical movement while learning!

Enjoy learning Languages. This is the key of success!!
I hope you are enjoy learning.

Have a wonderful life. :)


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Free Effortless Japanese Podcast Lesson :) Tarou's story1

Konnichiwa ! Ogenki desu ka?
Hi How are you doing?

Are you having happy day?

I made a Lesson of Taro's story for Podcast. :)

Text :
Itpiki no saru ga imasu. ( There is a monkey)
Saru no namae wa Tarou desu. (The monkey's name is Tarou.)
Tarou wa ao iro desu. (Taro is blue color.)
Tarou wa totemo ureshii desu. :) (Tarou is very happy)
This Lesson is only Japanese (just few words use English) :)
Kono Lesson wa Nihongo nomi desu.

Taro is very cute monkey like this picture!!

Have fun!!

I will talk more Taro's story soon! ;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TPR Japanese Lesson


How are you doing? Ogenki desu ka?

We finished TPRS conference in Texas and Tony Robbins seminar in San Jose. :)

Ive learned lot of things from these.
About TPRS, I realize Whats a fun to learning language! and TPRS is best method of learning Languages. :)
If you want to get more information, please check Blaine Ray's web page :

And Tony Robbins,I think lot of people knows him. He is absolutely Outstanding. He ROCK!

I made a Japanese Lesson with TPR.
Tabete! means Eat!
And I use 2 words " "Cheeseburger" and" Chocolate".
These familiar words sounds different English and Japanese. :)
But its easy to understand and pronounce.

I hope you like it and Enjoy my Lesson.

OK, Have a wonderful day.
Live with Passion!! ;)