Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Free Effortless Japanese Lesson, Akiko to Kuro part.2

Konnichiwa Tomoe desu. Ohisashiburidesu! Ogenkidesuka?

Kyou no Lesson wa zenkai ni hikituzuki Akiko to Kuro no Story desu.

Akiko to Kuro part.2

Akiko wa iimashita. "Sorewa komarimasu. Okane wo sakini haratte kudasai."
Kuro wa iimashita. "wakarimashita.ikuradesuka?"
Akiko "go sen sanbyaku en(yan) desu"
Kuro "Doushite sonnani takain desu ka? Hokano ko-hi-shop (coffee shop) wa 500yen gurai desu yo.Naze sonnani takaindesuka? Oishikattara haraimasu."
Kuro wa okane wo harawazu seki made iku to, tukue no ue ni suwarimashita.
Akiko wa ko-hi- wo tukue no ue ni okimashita.
Akiko wa Kuro wo miruto okorimashita." Sumimasen ga,Tukue ni suwaranai de kudasai, isu ni suwatte kudasai !"


komarimasu 困(こま)ります in trouble
saki 先(さき)に first
seki 席(せき)a seat
...made iku ...まで行(い)く go to...
Ue 上(うえ)the top/on
Tukue 机(つくえ)a desk
Isu 椅子(いす)a chair
Hoka no 他(ほか)の other
Gurai ぐらい about/around
Suwarimashita 座(すわ)りました sat
Okimashita 置(お)きました put
Okorimashita 怒(おこ)りました got angry
Sumimasen ga,すみません が Excuse me but...

☆phrase in the Questions☆

kakaku 価格(かかく)price
betto (ベッド)bed
Osarai=Fukusyuu おさらい=復習(ふくしゅう)a review

Q Naze Akiko wa Kuro ni okorimashita ka?
A Kuro ga tukue no ue ni suwatteita kara desu.

Q ko-hi-(coffee) to chocotipcooki no kakaku wa ikura desu ka?
A 5 sen sanbiyaku(5,300)en desu.

Q Kuro wa okane wo harawazu DOKO ni ikimashita ka?
A Seki made ikimashita.

Q Soshite Kuro wa tukue ni suwarimashita ka soretomo betdo(bed) ni suwarimashita ka?
A Tukue ni suwarimashita.

deha,mata jikai Oaishimashou!




Anonymous said...

It's so amazing to learn Japanese, I feel myself improving day by day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tomoe,
I have 2 concerns that would like to ask you.
1. 払(はら)わず席(せき)まで行(い)くと. What does "わず" mean, what kind of grammar in this sentence ?
2. In the text, you said 価格(かかく) means price, but I heard you spoke something like "chocotipcooki to ko-hi- no negan wa"? I cannot hear clearly on this.

Thanks Tomoe,

Unknown said...

1. Harawazu means Dont pay.
Wazu わず= shinai しない
Harawanai はらわない de で= harawazu はらわずni に

2. Did I say Nedanねだん instead of kakaku かかく?sorry. I'm on travel in Nepal. I can't check the audio.I'm not sure Id like teach different words or accidentally say that.
Kakaku and Nedan is same meaning. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's right, it's "ねだん" that you spoke in the audio, just a little bit confused with 'kakaku' but it's gone now :-), thanks for your explanation.

P/S: when I heard this audio for the first time, it was fast for me to follow. But after several times listening and answering the questions, I can catch your speed and repeat so fluently :-). I haven't even thought that Japanese can be spoken so easily before.
Many thanks for your audios.

Anonymous said...

Can you help to explain why you use "Kuro ga ... kara desu" instead of "Kuro wa ... kara desu". You say that most of the time.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

You mean in my question I asked Naze Akiko wa Kuro ni okorimashitaka? Kuro ga ... desu.

Because of the 'ga' is kind of say strongly that's Kuro( the subject) not other.

Akiko ga ikimashita ka?
Hai, akiko ga ikimashita.

Akiko wa ikimashita ka?
Hai akiko wa ikimashita.
Hai akiko ga ikimashita. ( It feel that there is other but akiko the one who went.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's what I mean. Your explanation is concise :-)

Thanks so much